Mike Simmons has been involved in astronomy education and public outreach for more than 35 years. He has led and founded outreach organizations that share the work of astronomers and telescopic views of the sky with the public. He is a writer and photographer who has contributed to various publications, including Scientific American, Astronomy and…
Loretta Hidlago Whitesides has degrees in biology from Caltech and Stanford and has traveled 2 miles down to the bottom of the ocean with director James Cameron to film the 3D IMAX movie Aliens of the Deep. Loretta floats weightless as crew for ZERO-G’s 727 aircraft, blogs daily about space exploration for Wired Science and leads…
Lonnie Schorer earned a BA in Russian from Connecticut College in New London and a Masters of Architecture degree from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg. Lonnie spent more than 20 years living overseas in Thailand, Turkey, Italy, Norway, and the former USSR. All of this while supporting her husband’s State Department career…
Kevin W. Kelley is an artist, entrepreneur and the author of the New York Times best selling book The Home Planet. The Home Planet is a large format book of stunning photographs of Earth taken from Space, accompanied by quotations from astronauts and cosmonauts, reflecting on the profound effect of experiencing Earth from the perspective of…
Keith Ferrell is the author of more than a dozen books of fiction and nonfiction, and hundreds of magazine, encyclopedia, and newspaper articles on scientific, cultural, and historical topics. From 1990 – 1996 he was the Editor of OMNI Magazine. A frequent speaker to business and institutional audiences, Ferrell lives on a small farm in…
J.P. has worked with many Fortune 500 companies including Apple, HP, Wells Fargo, and Google in the technology sector focusing on customer service management online and off. After graduating from Columbia for Cognitive Psychology in 2006, data psychology and web metrics were just getting started. In 2008 he joined with a childhood friend to secure…
Jeff Krukin’s space career began with boyhood evenings in the back yard gazing at the Moon. He has been an IBM Systems Engineer at NASA’s Johnson Space Center, Executive Director of the Space Frontier Foundation, Chairman of ProSpace and award-winning Director of its annual March Storm Congressional lobbying event, and now an aerospace consultant. He…
George T. Whitesides is the Chief Executive of Virgin Galactic. Virgin Galactic, founded by Sir Richard Branson, is a new space venture established to undertake the challenge of making private space travel available to everyone. He also serves as Chairman of the Reusable Launch Vehicle Working Group on the FAA’s Commercial Space Transportation Advisory Committee. Prior…
Frank White is the author of The Overview Effect: Space Exploration and Human Evolution, & co-founded the Overview Institute. First published in 1987 and re-issued in 1998. A member of the Harvard College Class of 1966, Frank graduated magna cum laude and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. He attended Oxford University on a Rhodes Scholarship,…
On January 31, 1971, Navy Captain Edgar Mitchell embarked on a journey into outer space that resulted in his becoming the sixth man to walk on the Moon. On his return trip, he experienced an extreme and overwhelming aspect of what is now called The Overview Effect. Scientist, test pilot, naval officer, astronaut, entrepreneur, author and…
Doug is a legendary film-maker and visual effects pioneer. He was one of the Special Photographic Effects Supervisors for 2001: A Space Odyssey. He went on to become the Visual Effects Supervisor for such classics as Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Star Trek: The Motion Picture, and Blade Runner, each of which earned him an Academy Award nomination for Best Visual Effects.
David McConville is a media artist who designed immersive visualization experiences to provide new perspectives on humanity’s home in the cosmos. He is President of the Buckminster Fuller Institute, a non-profit organization, facilitating convergences across design, art, science, and technology to identify and cultivate whole systems strategies for addressing complex global challenges. He is also co-founder…
David is the initiator, and co-founder with Frank White, of the Overview Institute, and heads the cognitive and media research programs of the Institute. He produced the first five Overview conferences that led to the founding of the Institute in 2008. He drafted the Overview Declaration which has been signed by all 22 leaders of…
Dan Curry is a visionary artist/filmmaker and 7-time Emmy winner. He is best known for his work as Visual Effects Supervisor/Producer for the various reincarnations of Star Trek. His work in visual effects and title design has appeared in over 100 feature films, 40 television productions, special venue projects, and interactive games. Dan is current Governor…
Carter Emmart is the Director of Astrovisualization at the Rose Center for Earth and Space at the American Museum of Natural History. He was one of the original team members at the NASA funded Digital Galaxy Project that helped redefine how a planetarium theater can present science to the public through immersive data visualization.
Barbara Marx Hubbard has been called the voice for conscious evolution of our time by Deepak Chopra and is the subject of Neale Donald Walsch’s new book The Mother of Invention. A world-renowned visionary futurist, evolutionary educator, and inspiring speaker, Barbara is the author of six acclaimed books that communicate the new worldview of conscious evolution. She is the co-founder and…
On September 18, 2006, Anousheh Ansari captured headlines around the world as the first female private space explorer. Anousheh earned a place in history as the fourth private explorer to visit space and the first astronaut of Iranian descent. Anousheh is a serial entrepreneur and co-founder and chairman of Prodea Systems, a company that will unleash…
Andrew Newberg, M.D., is Director of Research at the Myrna Brind Center for Integrative Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital and Medical College. He is also Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. He has pursued neuroimaging research that includes the study of aging and dementia, epilepsy, and…
Alex Howerton is a Business Development Consultant with American Aerospace Advisors Inc. Alex has been researching the commercial space industry for over 16 years. He started publishing “Space Available: The Space Investors’ Report” in 1992, and was its publisher, editor and principal author until 1995, when it was acquired by Countdown Magazine. Alex has written…
Alan Ladwig has had a distinguished 14 year career with NASA as well as an extensive career in the Aerospace industry working with Northrop Grumman Corporation, where he was Manager, NASA and Civil Space Programs promoting Northrop Grumman’s interest to Executive and Legislative branch officials. Alan was also the Chief Operating Officer of Zero G…